Saturday, May 30, 2009

An Introduction

Well, here I am again, wading through the sea of spittle, spunk and vomit that makes up this thing we call the internet.

The last time I swam this fetid, grotesque soup of bodily excrements, I lasted about two weeks before throwing in the towel.

But that has more to do with a lack of determination on my part.

For despite my rather hyperbolic description of the internet, it is not without its graces.

The internet is a very interesting thing. It is a sort of man-made amalgam of heaven and hell.

There is a very evident duality to the internet.

There is a place for works of art by undiscovered artists that would have otherwise been forgotten and lost in some dusty attic, and there are works of horrible fanart of the latest anime characters copulating.

Legitimate journalistic websites and humour sites exist side by side with blogs written by people with questionable commands of language and think that videos of this abomination is the height of comedy, and fanfiction of the latest anime characters copulating.

Then there is the interminable amounts pornography but that can really be good or bad depending on perspective.

Many decent people have raised concerns about how an unsupervised child may unintentionally come across unsuitable material that might pervert their emotional development, while that may not be an unentirely unfounded concern

- Personally, I can no longer watch pokemon the same way again -

I believe that you only find what you’re looking for.

One would have to really descend into the pits of hell(4chan) to really get to the truly revolting stuff. Bifurcated genitalia, scatological videos and beheadings are hardly suitable material for human consumption regardless of age.

Hopefully, this blog or weblog for more pedantic readers, would be a place where people can find some entertainment in this otherwise dull, drab worrisome, enervating, hopeless ball of dirt we live in.

Or at least a stop-over before you go watch some more porn.