Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Oh my dear readers, this is rather a cliché, but I have bad news and I have good news.
Before I further elucidate, I must say that it has been a wonderful pleasure to have written articles to a largely imagined audience in hopes that it would bring about if not some entertainment then at least to provide a distraction to your otherwise mundane sad lives.

While that is so, it would be mendacious to say that I would be dreading what comes next. This is, my dears, the bad news.

You see, I’m famous now.

Remember that rather delightful review I wrote for the film ‘Here”?
Well it turns out that the director himself has personally emailed his thanks.

Oh before I forget. I’m supposed to put this up.


We are delighted to announce that HERE will continue its run at The
Picturehouse, The Cathay.

Screening times @ The Picturehouse (tickets available from Wednesday
evening, 8 July)

Saturday 11/7 - 3.20pm
Sunday 12/7 - 3.20pm
Monday 13/7 - 9.40pm

To those who have seen the film, thank you and do help to spread the word!

For those who have not yet experienced HERE - don't miss out on
Singapore's unique feature film entry to the Directors' Fortnight,
Cannes Film Festival 2009, by filmmaker and visual artist Ho Tzu Nyen!

Come experience this singular cinematographic adventure that has got
everyone talking!


I. Tickets available at
- The Cathay box office, 2 Handy Road, level 5

2. Discounts:
- 12% discount on tickets purchased at box-office only with UOB Visa card.


(Before anyone asks, no I haven’t been paid to plug this film, although it would have been nice to, really I would have been happy with a signed poster too)

In light of my new found fame, I can no longer expect to sit in front of my laptop, staring at the screen hoping for an idea for an update, without soon being hustled to, what I do not doubt to be the most happening parties and social events.

Yes, I expect I had better get used to sipping fine wines, driving fast cars, confabulating with other famous people about how to spend our money, having scandalous affairs with beautiful actresses, dancing on tables and getting thoroughly pissed and passing out in a gutter, all the while being photographed by the paparazzi. This is the good news, hopefully you can find it in your heart of hearts to feel happy for me, but I know the stinging prick of inferiority can often lead to resentment towards us famous types.

Yep, any time now, my doorbell will ring and a smartly dressed elderly caucasian man with a british accent would be there to whisk me away into my new lifestyle of opulence and hedonism.

Yep, aaannnyyy time now…..

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