And it was made by a Singaporean!
I realise that the above statement might come across as a little condescending but when one thinks of a ‘Singaporean’ movie one inevitably thinks of Jack Neo flicks.
And the thing about Jack Neo is that he’s been making the same movie for the last decade or so.
(I’m using my professional voice here, if I was using my obnoxiously cynical voice the above statement would read more like, “Jack Neo has been squeezing the same shit out of his ass for the last decade or so and it’s stinking up the local movie scene”.)
So I was pleasantly surprised to find that when one digs deep enough in the cesspool of our local movie industry, one might find, albeit rarely, a true gem.
The movie I’m talking about is Here, a film by Ho Tzu Nyen. It would be unfair to say this is a good Singaporean movie because it just a great movie period.
In fact, I’d have to say ITS FUCKIN’ BRILLIANT.
On the surface, the movie is about a man’s time in a mental asylum. That alone makes it more interesting than 95% of any local film that has screened on our island.
But the thing that makes it FUCKIN’ BRILLIANT is the almost seamless weaving of the narrative and the filmography. One suspects if one is indeed part of the movie. This blurring of what real and (I hate to say this) reel is at once uncomforting and stimulating.
The pacing of the movie allows the audience time to contemplate the plot and it implications without dragging its feet.
It is reminiscent of my other favourite movies like Memento and Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, where the medium of film is really pushed to its full potential to tell a story as only a movie can.
This is what a good movie should be and a milestone in Singapore film-making.
It is rather sad that it only has a limited release in Singapore, what with all the talk of supporting the local art talents, this film seems destined to be overshadowed by the asian youth games and Jack Neo’s fat arse.
I implore you, readers, if you are lucky enough to be in the situation to be able to watch this film, please do, if not to see a great film then at least to support the Singapore movie industry.

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