Here is the ad of questionable taste (I don’t eat posters so i wouldn't know)

Pffffttt…. I’ve seen way worse, but then again those weren't ads.
Also its obvious Burger King didn’t do their market research, 7-inches? We are Asians man, that’s too big. (I meant the sandwich, you sick fucks)
The reason there has been such a commotion about it, is because it apparently references the act of fellatio. Or a blow-job for those not familiar with porno lexicon. An article in Life section of the Straits Times also said that the woman was made to look like a blow up doll, am I lagging behind my “blow up dolls monthly” magazine delivery? Because I’ve never seen such a realistic blow up doll before, Britney looks really plasticky and her boobs look like pyramid shaped balloons stapled to her chest, maybe its time I upgraded.
When I saw the ad before this whole thing blew up, I got the innuendo right away but then I just chalked that up to me being a dirty minded, emotionally immature teenager, turns out there’s a lot of us.
In the article a father of a 19 year old son said he found the ad to be vulgar and is surprised to find it at a place where teenagers hang out.
Dude, your son has seen stuff 10 times more vulgar than this ad, and he saw those things on something called the Internet, lots of teenagers hang out there, you might want to check it out. Just stay away from the furries.
I think it’s stupid for parents to think that this ad would pervert the minds of their precious, innocent little children. If your child is really pure of thought, he/she would never not make the connection of eating a sandwich with a sex act. (unless he/she is seriously fucked up then they should be kept in a mental facility)
And if he/she thought “Hurhur blowjob” when they saw the ad, then chances are they have seen worse, and the ad would not do anything to further your child’s perversion.
This calling for the ad to be banned from parents is nothing but to save them from embarrassment and from the realization that their child has become sexually aware. There seems to be a sort of stigma when it comes to children and sex, which is ironic since one is the product of the other. And in a relatively conservative country like Singapore, the way people deal with it is to shut it out. The thing is you cannot protect your children forever, eventually some jerk diver is going to capture your offspring to be a gift for his niece and both of you would have to go through many adventures before realizing that it is all a part of growing up. Wait I’m thinking of something else.
Besides there are way more suggestive ads than this, take for instance shampoo ads and that detergent ad with all the chicks participating in a wet t-shirt contest in a washing machine.
Take these for example.

That’s quite a handful, you must have really long hair or something.

And the ever popular shower scene, what a tease.
This might be the worst of the worst. Starts out innocently enough, then the girl starts making orgasm faces and bouncing up and down around 40 seconds deep(into the video).
Have fun jerkin' off, freaks.
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