Sunday, July 5, 2009

we are doomed, doomed i say!

Here’s a bonus post this weekend because I didn’t want to bog down my (amateurish) review of ‘Here’ with frivolous gripes.

Had I not been swayed by the cosmic forces to look at movie listings at yahoo, I would not have had the good fortune of watching a great movie that happened to be directed by a Singaporean who isn’t Jack Neo.

This bugs me because while the movie had little to no promotion, the asian youth Olympics that is going on has a dedicated channel on cable, huge print and television advertising and even posters in polytechnics.

And the worst part is people would rather watch the asian youth Olympic games than one of the greatest movies to have been produced by a local talent. The director of the film was born in Singapore, not a hand-me-down citizen from some other country.

Watching the games is about as enriching is watching someone cross the road.
If I wanted to people running I could go to a stadium or a playground. If I wanted to see people in skin tight outfits I have the internet.

Its just such a shame to realise that as a nation we have yet to evolve culturally past the level of a pimply adolescent whose favourite show is icarly and favourite band is the jonas brothers.
(I felt I should be slitting my wrists when I wrote that.)

Also before the movie start there was this anti-piracy advertisement which entire premise was that pirating movies would cause the downfall of the cinema.
I fear the future would be much bleaker if we continue down this crooked path, I see instead a future where shitty blockbuster movies like “transformers” and “Hannah Montana: make your parents spend money tour” would flood the screens, reducing the population to Paris Hilton clones and boys that run around going pewpew while gesticulating wildly with their finger guns.

Bonus review! Transformers!

There is fighting robots that go wakwakwakwakwak when they transform and there are explosions! And shia le beef was running and running occasionally stopping to shout at somebody. And that is basically it, oh and there was megan fox.

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