Saturday, July 18, 2009

We are the World

Something i want to add to my post yesterday.
Despite all the high tech visual effects and a story about transforming robots, the transformers movie is horribly outdated.

Why do i say that?

Notice the slight dig at Obama in the movie? You don't see the president in the movie at all but he does appoint an annoying prick whose job it seems is to make life hard for the people that just wants to shoot at giant robots.

I mean really Obama?
Diplomacy? Dialogue? Peaceful resolutions? ppppfffffftttt.
That's for pussies, man!

Here in AMERICA we solve problems by shooting at it in the face! or crotch depending on how we feel that day. And Explosions! Nothing is more satisfying then seeing stuff disintegrate in a giant fire ball and later we could have a barbeque over the charcoal carcasses of our enemies too. And nukes, we love nukes.

Wait a minute. This is a Bush era movie!
Quick, check if the republicans made Transformers.

In the Transformers, even though the robots fight in many different locations all over the world, it seems only AMERICANS can do anything about them, in fact they are the only people in the world that even seem to know about the transformers. At the final big fight in Egypt the Jordanians sent two helicopters to back up the AMERICANS and got swiftly wiped out by a Decepticon.

PUSSIES, it doesn't matter they would have probably just got in the way of our rippling Biceps. Only the AMERICANS can save the WORLD, so if we skydrop our military in your country just get the fuck out of our way and pray to whatever God you worship to even though it probably wouldn't help as much as our BULLETS!


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