Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ou es les toilettes?

Ahh… Dearest reader(s) it pains my heart to have to say this but there is just no way around this, so I’ll just have to say it.

I- I am leaving.

Oh god, stop crying it only makes it harder than it already is.
It has been a pretty good time living in the pimple-of-the-earth country of Singapore and I am really going to miss it.

Here I received an education that shaped me into who I am today. I’m not sure I like my shape though, it’s too lanky. People pay attention not to walk into me because they are afraid they would break me. My arms are of the size that I can intimidate an infant. Hmm I guess I got a bad deal out of the whole education thing. Oh well, my narrow frame meant that I had to compensate in other areas like having a better vocabulary than most. I know words like Septuagenarian.

Heh, bet you looked that up in the dictionary.

Pfftt.. I suppose that’s not very impressive. Christ I’m so pathetic, why doesn’t anyone like me? I am really starting to suspect the efficacy of slitting your wrists to get more attention. Haha, I’m kidding, I don’t slit my wrists, that’s just stupid. I just drown my sorrows in lemon tea until I pass out from water poisoning. Hey did you know you could get high if you smoke lemon zest? I didn’t think so too.

Huh, you know now that I think about it, I don’t really have anything to miss in Singapore, it is where my two friends are, and that’s about it really.

Bah, so it is with a not so heavy heart that I’m leaving this country.
So its au revoir from me. (that’s Spanish for good riddance)

Oh well, see you in two weeks.

[ergghh this isn't particularly funny or well written, hopefully I'll get my groove back after taking a vacation.]

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