Since approximately 32 hours before the time of this posting, I have performed my last academic obligation, so ending my time in Polytechnic. I can’t say I am especially happy – more relieved – because now I don’t have to waste time barely working towards a diploma I don’t even want, but instead waste time feeling guilty about not doing anything for the next couple of months.
Now that I finished my studies in polytechnic I no longer have a convenient excuse for not updating this blog as frequently as I used to. Well it’s more of an excuse for me than anyone else since nobody really reads this blog.
My readers are about as real as my imaginary uncle Herb, who is an aging heirless multi-millionaire dying of high cholesterol from one too many foie gras dinners. I have had no prior knowledge of him due to his reclusive nature but he has been surreptitiously keeping tabs on me as he has taken an inexplicable shine to me and my no-so-privileged lifestyle. In fact, he likes me so much that he has decided to name me his heir.
Now if anyone responds to my posts, from careful application of selective logic, I will then become the heir to a fortune of millions, then I would never have to work again for the rest of my life, in fact I don’t even have to keep up this blog so people will like me when all I have to do to make friends when I’m rich is to throw money at them. So see ya suckers!
But wait. If I don’t write on my blog anymore then I won’t have readers anymore meaning I don’t have a rich uncle Herb anymore so I won’t be filthy rich anymore… ok ok don’t panic, then all I have to do is continue to update this blog… yes yes that should work… Only I have pissed off anybody who reads this blog with the previous paragraph!
Maybe I can think my way out. If my imaginary readers are as real as my imaginary uncle Herb who wants to give me all his money and it turns out my imaginary readers were actually real, that means that my imaginary uncle must be real. Ok so far so good. So I inherit millions of dollars but that means that I don’t have to do anything anymore and anything includes writing this blog. But if I don’t write, I won’t have any readers and adkjfoadsihfiodsahfioadsjoglhassjhsadionlsa;dfjoasd;olllllllllfkjaafkjllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

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