Friday, June 12, 2009


Doing attachment work is not helping my writing, i've hardly had time to catch a thought.
So here's an old one i wrote in a stream of consciousness during a conversation with a friend.

Working is like watching an icicle melt and counting every drop of melted water because if you miss one you won’t get paid, not that it pays a lot because you’re supposed to be learning the purity of melted icicle water droplets, also if you fail at your task, your diploma of icicle melting will melt away like the subject of your studies.

You go back home, but you can’t shake the image of the icicle melting and you jerk off thinking it will help take your mind off it but it doesn’t, because that’s kinda like an icicle melting upside down.

So you go to sleep and you have a nightmare where you have to watch icicles melt for the rest of yr life.
You wake up in a cold sweat, which only adds to your fear, you think the icicles melted on you while you were asleep.

You realise it’s time to go to work again, you contemplate suicide, but drop the idea when all your ideas involve icicles somehow.

You go to work praying that global warming would hurry up.

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