Thursday, July 2, 2009

Writer's block: Cop out, episode 1

I am having writer's block, so here's an old short story i wrote.

An indicator on his left flashed amber signaling that the hyperdrive was in standby.
Danny looked up from the controls, "When you're done with that, make sure the coordinates are right." He tried to control his voice so that it wouldn't betray his excitement.

"Why do we have to go so far just to eat anyways?" Ben said without trying to conceal his irritation.

"Because! It's the best in this galaxy, I really hate to have to explain this so many times so just shut up! Have you checked those coordinates yet?"

Some kind of grunt came from Ben's direction, Danny had heard it many times before.
"Make sure u get it right, we don't want to end up in a star"

Almost yelling now, Ben replied "Oh! would you please let it go already, it was so long ago and it wasn't all my fault."

A smile had started to form on Danny's lips, satisfaction of knowing that he held the upper hand and that now Ben would shut up too.


Moments later the ship would travel faster than the speed of light, covering over several lightyears in a matter of minutes.
The thrill of traveling so fast was long since lost on Danny and he sat strapped to his seat looking at the latest spaceboy magazine.

When the ship finally slowed down enough to orbit perseus-4 in a teasing dance of sorts, Ben appeared from the maintenance hatch.

"This better be as good as you say it is." the voice noticeably less annoyed now.
The jumps always seem to calm Ben down, Danny wondered if he had a magazine with him too.

"Yea of course it is, I bet by the time we are done feasting on those perseus grubs, you would wonder how you could ever doubt me."

Danny smiled but only half-heartedly. He seemed to be remembering something but can't quite put his finger on it, he decided to ignore it and let it come back to him later, that always works he thought.

They were on the surface of perseus-4 now, when they were within sight of the restaurant, Danny suddenly spoke, "Oh fuck, i forgot to bring my wallet."

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