But I don’t want to make promises I can’t keep.
Actually I do that all the time, but, and here’s the best bit, if you say that people are somehow less annoyed when you do it.
Also, yes that is how I end all my relationships.
Now here’s the part where I try to make you laugh, or chortle, or chuckle, or grin, I’ll settle for an amused smile, ok just promise you won’t hit me.
Ahh… here we go again. Just this night we were once again subject to celebrities cadging in the guise of entertainment.
Yes, it’s the semi-regular charity show.
There was once I thought that the things only came once every year, then different shows benefiting different charities were introduced when there were two competing networks and I was ok with that.
But then the two networks merged, in the same manner a shark would ‘merge’ with a seal by eating it, and it was as if a declaration of war was made among the charities over who put on the best show.
NKF had tradition and shiny prizes.
Ren Ci had that self-sacrificing monk and took the moral high ground offering no prizes. Hey, guess what Ren Ci money has no morals!
And then there are some other small charities nobody cares about because their CEOs haven’t stolen anything yet.
The thing that really rubs my scrotum the wrong way is that faint smug looks on those celebrities faces as they practically beg for the audience to call. It is like a corporate wank fest for narcissists earning a scout badge.
And Christ, do they make those celebrities jump through hoops and dance like monkeys. I mean why can’t they just do what they do best?
Singing and looking good.
It works for other fund raising/ awareness shows look at live8, or the other ones where musicians stage a concert to benefit whatever tragedy was happening when they opened the newspapers.
Oh that’s right! Because they aren’t good at what they do.
Before anyone feels the need to call me out on being a hypocrite and a sanctimonious prick. (I am)
Yes, money is not beholden to any moral standard, so no matter how pathetic their attempts at professional scrounging are, at least they are helping the charities.
Now if only the charities will help the people in need. HA!
Here is how I propose a show benefiting charities can be put on with minimal loss of dignity.

Nobody can say no to this.
Also I know my lighthearted posts may lead one to think that I am quite well to do, but this is not true. Do you know I still rely on my parents for income? With just a small donation of $10 you could feed me and my insatiable appetite for music CDs and video games. I just know you will help me because I believe that you all are such kind people who would never pass on an opportunity to exchange money for a sense of superiority.
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